Volume 26, Issue 1 (2019)


Monetizing Tribal and State Sovereign Immunity in Patent Law: An Attempt to Neutralize the Patent Death Squad

………………………………………….Sean P. Belding

Trademarks & The First Amendment After Matal v. Tam

……………………………………………….Gary Myers


Will You Have to Pay for the O.C.G.A.?: Copyrighting the Official Code of Georgia Annotated

……………………………………Elizabeth Holland

Hold up: Digital Sampling, Copyright, Infringement, and Artist Credit Through the Lens of Beyonce’s “Lemonade”

…………………………………………..Spenser Clark

The Shifting Landscape of Medicine: Patents of Personalized Biologic Treatments and Their Potential Conflicts with Right-to-Try Laws

……………………………………..Johnson T. Laney

Protecting Blockchain Investments in a Patent Troll World

…………………………………………Kelli Spearman

Diminishing Uncertainty in Software Patents: After the Supreme Court Denied Certiorari for Synopsys Inc. v. Mentor Graphics Corp.

………………………………….Kayla Hope Barnes

Or find these pieces on the digital commons: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/jipl/vol26/iss1/

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