Volume 22, Issue 1 (2014)


Patent Office Contested Proceedings and the Duty of Candor

………………………………………………………………. Lisa A. Dolak

The Enforcement Challenges for Tattoo Copyrights

…………………………………………………………. Yolanda M . Kang

The Viability of the $30 Casebook: Intellectual Property, Voluntary Payment, Open Distribution, and Author Incentives

……………………….…………………………….. Lydia Pallas Loren

Fault Lines in Trademark Default Judgments

………………………………………….……………… DavidS. Welkowiz


Unauthorized Digital Sampling in the Changing Music Landscape

…………………………………………………………….. Ryan Lloyd

To Speak, Perchance to Have a Dream: The Malicious Author and Orator Estate as a Critique of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s Subversion of the First Amendment in the Era of Notice and Takedown

…………………………………….. Michael Bradford Patterson

Trade Secret Rising: Protecting Equivalency Test Research and Development Investments After Momenta v. Amphastar

……………………………………………… Hannah-Alise Rogers

Finders Keepers, or Finders Weepers? A Proposed Answer to a Question Raised by Myriad Genetics

…………..……..…..……………………………………… Jingshi Shi

Or find these pieces on the digital commons: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/jipl/vol22/iss1/

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