Volume 25, Issue 2 (2018)


Balancing the Competing Functions of Patent Post-Grant Proceedings

………………………….……………………Michael Xun Liu


A duty to safeguard: data breach litigation through a quasi-bailment lens

………………….…………….Miles Christian Skedsvold

Cybersecurity, Shareholders, and the Boardroom: An Analysis of Current and Proposed Measures for Protecting Corporate Intellectual Property

……………………..……………………Kathryn V. Wymer

The Curious Case of Cady Noland and the Disappearing Cabin

…………………………………………….…Amanda Hoefer

Tightening the Gilstrap: How TC Heartland Limited the Pharmaceutical Industry When it Reined in the Federal Circuit

……..…………………………..Amanda Walton Newton

Watch What You bleeping Want: Interpretation of statutes dealing with advancing technology in light of the Ninth Circuit case of Disney Enterprises, Inc. v. VidAngel, Inc

………………………….…………………Thomas B. Norton

Freebooting on Facebook—Should the Social Media Giant Face Liability?

……………………..………………………..Nicholas J. Tait

Wearables and Where They Stick: Finding a Place for Tech Tattoos in the IP Framework

……………………..……………….Emily A. McCutcheon

Or find these pieces on the digital commons: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/jipl/vol25/iss2/

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