Volume 23, Issue 2 (2016)


Using Signal Theory to Determine Non-Obviousness of Inventions

……………………………………………… Michael O’Brien
& Idonab Molina


Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe: Protecting Trade Secrets by Revisiting the Reasonable Efforts Requirement in Federal Law

…….……………………………….. Molly Hubbard Cash

Caught Between a Mark and a Hard Place: Resolving U.S.-Cuban Trademark Disputes in a Post-Embargo World

………..…….………………………….. Mary Grace Griffin

The Drug Short: A New Mechanism for Creating Financial Incentives for the Discovery of Invalid Pharmaceutical Patents

…………………….…………… Christopher Edward Neill

Internet Killed the Radio Star Preventing Digital Broadcasters from Exploiting the Radio Music License Committee Rate to the Detriment of Songwriters

……………………………………. Alexander Reed Speer

Or find these pieces on the digital commons: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/jipl/vol23/iss2/

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