Volume 24 : Issue 2 (2017)


Equitable Resale Royalties

……………………..……………………………………. Brian L. Frye

The Myth of Uniformity in IP Law

………………………………………………… Sharon K. Sandeen


Getting Patent Preemption Right

…………………………………………………….. Camilla A. Hrdy

A Less-Formalistic Copyright

…………………………………………………………… Guy A. Rub


Additive Manufacturing, Pay-for-Delay, and Mandatory Care: Is There Space for Positive Reform?

…………………………………………………… Jordan L. Jackson

Fundamental, Unequivocal, Yet Unreliable: The Interplay of Voting, Electronic Voting Systems, and Trade Secrets in Today’s Interconnected World

……………………………………………………… Burns Marlow

Limb Law: Licensing Solutions for the Prosthetic Industry’s Patentability and Cost Crisis

………………………………………………….. Ryan J. Mumper

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