JIPL Online + Blog

Submitting Your Manuscript:


The Journal of Intellectual Property Law invites the submission of unsolicited comments, reviews, and essays from judges, researches, practicing attorneys and students on issues relevant to intellectual property law to be published on our blog. In particular, these written materials may address the following topics: patent law, trademark, copyright, trade secrets, internet law, technology law, data protection & privacy law, and entertainment & sports law. 

A submission for our blog should be narrowly tailored with citations and references. The blog could either be (a) a condensed version of a longer article, articulating a specific argument, or (b) a subjective, view point argument which represents the author’s opinion or thoughts on a certain, case, policy, or subject relating to intellectual property law. 

Scheduling Your Blog Submissions to the Journal 

Review of Submission: Each submission received will be subject to a thorough review process which can take a few weeks. 

Expedited Requests: If you have received an offer to publish on a different platform, please request an expedited review of your submission via email at jiplonline@gmail.com.  Please include the following in the subject line: [Expedited Review_[Name]_ Title of Submission]. 


Length/ Formatting Requirements: All blog post submissions must be 9-12 pages (including endnotes). Submissions that exceed the length guidelines may not be considered for publication on our website. All blog post submissions must be in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, triple spaced, in Microsoft Word Document. Submissions that do not comply with these requirements may not be considered. 

Citations: Citations for blog submission should follow The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020) and be in endnote format. Submissions that do not use endnotes may not be considered. 

Cover letter: Please include the following information on a cover letter with your submission: 

  • Name (including any relevant tiles)
  • Daytime and evening phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Abstract (100-300 words) 

Resume: Please include with your submission a copy of your current resume or CV. 

Submission Process 

Electronic Submission: As we are transitioning to a digital system, we will only be accepting electronic submissions via email at jiplonline@gmail.com. Please include “External Blog Post Submission_Title of Submission” in the subject line of the email. 

Acknowledgement Email: You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your submission within 48 hours of submission. In the event that you do not receive an acknowledgement email within 3 business days, please contact us via jiplonline@gmail.com to verify receipt. Please note that the acknowledgement email does not constitute an offer for publication. 

Publication Offer: Publication decisions will be made by the Online Team within 20 business days after receipt of submission. If selected for publication, we will then provide you with further details on the publication process and the tentative date of publication. All publication decisions are final. 

Publication frequency 

As this is an online forum, we accept submissions for our blog on a rolling basis.


Please direct any and all questions to jiplonline@gmail.com.

Copyright Issues

Except as otherwise provided, the author of each article has granted permission for copies of the article to be made for educational use, provided that copies are distributed at or below cost, the author and Journal are identified, proper notice of copyright is affixed to each copy, and the Journal of Intellectual Property is notified of each use. 

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