Volume 23, Issue 1 (2015)


Corporate Power Unbound: Investor-State Arbitration of IP Monopolies on Medicines— Eli Lilly v. Canada and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

………………………………………………………. Brook K. Baker
Katrina Geddes

Distinguishing Literary Ideas and Expressions with Elements of Alternate Worlds

………………………………………………………….. Joshua Jeng

A New Test to Reconcile the Right of Publicity with Core First Amendment Values

.………………………………………………. Mark Joseph Stern
Nat Stern


The Road to Hell was Paved with a Good Faith Belief: Why the Supreme Court Correctly Rejected the Good Faith Belief in the Invalidity of a Patent Defense for Dangerously Narrowing Induced Infringement Liability

……………………………………………… Sidney C. Eberhart

Clearing the Brush: The Best Solution for the USPTO’s Continued “Deadwood” Problem

……………………………………… Leonard Robert Seifter III

Patenting Marijuana Strains: Baking Up Patent Protection for Growers in the Legal Fog of this Budding Industry

……………………………………….. Joseph Dylan Summer

Exceptionally Vague: Attorney Fee Shifting Under the Lanham Act

…………………..……………………………….. Kelsie Willett

Or find these pieces on the digital commons: https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/jipl/vol23/iss1/

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